  • 1 # 叮ding當叮叮1525190

    在晚上英語:at night;in the evening。;注意:當evening前面有修飾詞時,in就需要變成介詞on了。例如:on a rainy evening(在一個下雨的晚上), on Saturday evening(在星期六晚上)。;例句:;1、We will transit the strait at night. ;我們將在夜間透過那個海峽。;2、He entered the church alone at night. ;他孑然一人在夜晚走進了那所教堂。;3、Do it in the evening, and outline as much of the plan for the next day as you can. ;你可以在晚上定計劃,儘可能詳細的為你第二天的要做的事情做一個概要。;擴充套件資料;相關短語:;in the evening 在晚上;good evening 晚上好;yesterday evening 昨天晚上,前晚;tomorrow evening 明天晚上;evening party 晚會;evening dress 夜禮服;night sky 夜天;the night before 前一天晚上;night after night 一夜又一夜;late at night 在深夜;深更半夜;from morning till night 從早到晚;night and day 日以繼夜地

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