  • 1 # maimi32709

    earth song地球之歌;大地之歌;地球歌例句1.I remember writing Earth Song when I was in Austria, in a hotel.我記得寫“地球之歌”時,我在奧地利的一家旅館。2."Earth Song" is a song by Michael Jackson featured on Jackson"s 1995 HIStory album.“大地之歌”是一首由邁克爾傑克遜的特色在傑克遜1995年的唱片。3.All great records, but none of them come close in terms of sales when compared to Earth Song.這些都是極好的唱片,但是,就銷量而言,沒有一個能與“地球之歌”相比。4.Fans will be happy to know the "Earth Song" ad libs heard on a leaked version of the track were removed.(粉絲將會開心地得知,洩露版中來自《地球之歌》的即興穿插被刪掉了)。5.And for me, this is Earth"s Song, because I think nature is trying so hard to compensate for man"s mismanagement of the Earth.對我來說,這是地球的歌,因為我認為自然正在極其艱苦地努力彌補人類對地球管理不善造成的惡果。

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