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    A person can be alone without feeling lonely, since alone describes a state of being and lonely describes an emotional response to one’s circumstances. Most people don’t feel sad when they go to the bathroom by themselves, for instance.


    As you can see, a person can be alone in the sense that no other people are present, or alone in the sense that he or she is unaccompanied, even in a crowd.

    lone and alone:

    Lone is another adjective with the same meaning as alone. It is a shortening of the word alone, but it has a different place in the English sentence.


    Alone describes a state of isolation or solitude when one is outside the company of others.Lonely describes a feeling of sadness or abandonment.Lone is placed at front of a noun, and alone is used to be predicative or adverb


    alone 描述的一種獨自、沒有陪伴的狀態。lonely 描述的是因 獨自或沒有陪伴狀態(alone)引起的情感上的感覺(feeling of sadness or abandonment)。lone 通常放在名詞之前做形容詞,alone 做表語和副詞。

    一句話記住兩個詞的區別:Loneliness is often, but not always, a result of being alone.

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