  • 1 # 賣女孩的柴火

      Astro Boy (鉄腕アトム ,Tetsuwan Atomu?, lit. "Mighty Atom") is a Japanese manga series and television program first broadcast in Japan from 1963 to 1966. The story follows the adventures of a fictional robot named Astro Boy and a selection of other characters along the way.  Astro Boy is the first Japanese television series that embodied the aesthetic that later became familiarized as anime.[2] It originated as a manga in 1952 by Osamu Tezuka, who is often reputed as the "god of manga".[3] After enjoying success abroad, Astro Boy was remade in the 1980s as Shin Tetsuwan Atomu, known as Astroboy in the United States and other Western countries, and again in 2003. In November 2007, he was named Japan"s envoy for overseas safety.[4] An American computer-animated 3-D film based on the original manga series by Tezuka will be screening in theatres on October 29, 2009.  Astro Boy is a science fiction series set in a futuristic world wherein androids co-exist with humans. Its focus is on the adventures of the titular "Astro Boy" (sometimes called simply "Astro"), a powerful robot created by the head of the Ministry of Science, Doctor Tenma, to replace his son Tobio, who died in a car accident. Dr. Tenma built Astro in Tobio"s image and treated him as lovingly as if he were the real Tobio, but soon realized that the little android could not fill the void of his lost son, especially given that Astro could not grow older or express human aesthetics (in one set of panels, Astro is shown preferring the mechanical shapes of cubes over the organic shapes of flowers). In the original 1960 edition, Tenma rejected Astro and sold him to a cruel circus owner, Hamegg.  After some time, Professor Ochanomizu, the new head of the Ministry of Science, noticed Astro Boy performing in the circus and convinced Hamegg to turn Astro over to him. He then took Astro as his own and treated him gently and warmly, becoming his legal guardian. He soon realized that Astro was gifted with superior powers and skills, as well as the ability to experience human emotions.  Astro then is shown fighting crime, evil, and injustice. Most of his enemies were robot-hating humans, robots gone berserk, or alien invaders. Almost every story included a battle involving Astro and other robots.  ◆人物資料  “阿童木”是日語“アトム”的直譯,而“アトム”這個詞語源自英語的“Atom”,意即“原子”。  出生地:日本科學省精密機械局  身高:一百三十五公分  體重:三十公斤  創造者:天馬博士  性格:比人類的小孩還要用功,是個優等生,常常受學校表揚。  動力來源:原子力引擎  ◆七大能力  1.腳底安裝有飛翔用的噴氣式引掣,在太空裡則轉換為火箭引擎。  2.會使用超過60種語言。  3.能分辨人的善惡。  4.可以將聽力放大至常人的1000倍。  5.眼睛隨時可以切換到強力探照燈。(在2003動畫版中眼睛增加了透視能力)  6.屁股裡安裝有機關槍,手指能發射鐳射(2003版增加手臂原子炮)  7.最大輸出功率為10萬馬力,漫畫《地上最大機器人》卷中被天馬博士加強為100萬馬力。  在科學技術省任職的天馬博士的兒子Tobyo(80版中文譯為飛雄),在車禍中身亡。天馬痛失愛子,他嘗試按照兒子生前的模樣製造了一個機器人——阿童木。並賦予它超常本領:10萬匹馬力和7種武器,並帶回科學省後來在油輪上,阿童木被馬戲團團長騙走;但馬戲團裡虐待機器人,他被科學省長官茶水博士贖出,取名“阿童木”。在以後的生活裡,他有時候會因作為機器人而備受歧視,但他一直想在人類和機器人之間搭起友好的橋樑,並同惡勢力做

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