  • 1 # 愛做夢的瑞貝卡


    Exhaust fumes are bad for your health. 廢氣對健康有害。

    She was forced to resign because of ill health. 她因身體不好被迫辭職。

    He was nursed back to health by his wife. 他在妻子的照料下恢復了健康。

    She was glowing with health and clearly enjoying life. 她容光煥發,顯然生活得很快活。

    As long as you have your health, nothing else matters. 只要身體健康,其他任何事都無關緊要。


    Keep healthy by eating well and exercising regularly. 透過良好飲食和經常性鍛鍊保持健康。

    The child showed a healthy curiosity. 這孩子的好奇心很正常。

    She has a healthy respect for her rival"s talents. 她很有風度地尊重對手的才能。

    It"s not healthy the way she clings to the past. 她那種沉湎於過去的態度不明智。

    Your car doesn"t sound very healthy. 你的車聽聲音好像不很正常。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 自己沒有車,怎麼能把狗狗帶回老家?