  • 1 # daazhu1

    Only Love是迪士尼三維動畫大片《恐龍》的主題曲


      德國的三人樂團Trademark,由Achim Remling、Mirko Baumer、Sadeghian三位喜歡音樂的好友所組成,他們原來都在餐廳擔任服務生的職務,在一次駐唱樂團無故缺席的情形下,三人一時技癢上臺客串,精彩的演出不僅博得了滿堂採,更為他們的演藝之路開啟了傳奇的首頁,他們的音樂融合了李察瑪爾克斯的性感、搖滾麥克的抒情搖滾樂風和空中補給合唱團的高亢式美聲和諧唱腔,是以當他們順利和BMG唱片簽約,並於1998年發行他們的首張專輯《Another Time·Another Place》後,不但迅速在亞洲地區獲得巨大的迴響,更在香港、菲律賓、馬來西亞、泰國奪得金唱片,尤其是當他們受邀至亞洲巡迴宣傳時,更在東南亞各國引起樂迷的騷動,轟動的情形可見一般。


      2.a.m.and the rain is falling

      here we are at the crossroads once again

      you"re telling me you"re so confused

      you can"t make up you mind

      is this meant to be

      you"re asking me

      But only love can say try again or walk away

      but i believe for you and me

      the sun sill shine one day

      so i"ll just play my part

      and pray you"ll have a change of heart

      but i can"t make you see it through

      that"s something only love can do

      In you arms as the dawn is breaking

      face to face and a thousand miles apart

      i"ve tried my best to make you see

      there"s hope beyond the pain

      if we give enough - if we learn to trust

      but only love can say - try again or walk away .

      but i believe for you and me

      the sun will shine one day

      so i"ll just play my part

      and pray you"ll have a change of heart

      but i can"t make you see it through

      that"s something only love can do

      i know if I could find the words

      to touch you deep inside

      you"d give our dream just one more change

      don"t let this be our last goodbye

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