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    1、good 常用來指人的品行好,或事物的質地好,也常用來向別人問好。 Miss Gao is a good teacher. (人好) Your picture is very good. (物好) Good morning. (問好)

    2、fine 身體狀況好,天氣狀況好

    — How are you? — Fine, thanks. (身體狀況好) It"s a fine day today. (天氣狀況好) 另外,fine 也可以用來指 色”。 He is a fine boy. (人物的品行)

    The pen is fine. (事物的質地“特別出色”)

    3、nice 指人或物的外觀、相貌好,“美好的”、“美妙的”、“漂亮的”。 Lucy looks nice. (人的相貌好)

    The flowers are very nice. (物的外觀好) Nice to meet you.

    4、well 做形容詞時,指人的身體好,健康好 — How is your father? — He"s very well. well 常做副詞,修飾動詞用。 He speaks English well.

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