  • 1 # 青雉911

    答案是用to do 。cause一般接不定式的複合結構作賓語。相關用法:cause用作動詞時,有兩類用法需注意:一:表示“造成”“使(發生)”,注意以下搭配:①其後可直接用造成的結果或發生的事情作賓語。如:Smoking can cause lung cancer. 吸菸可導致肺癌。

    ②後接雙賓語。如:The car caused me a lot of trouble. 這車給我引來了不少麻煩。③後接不定式的複合結構作賓語。如:Heating a copper bar will cause it to expand. 對銅棒加熱會使它膨脹。

    若雙賓語易位,可用介詞 to / for 來引出間接賓語。如:Her irresponsible behaviour has caused her family a great deal of anxiety.=Her irresponsible behaviour has caused a great deal of anxiety to [for] her family. 她不負責任的行為已引起她的家人的莫大擔擾。二:表示“使”“迫使”,通常接不定式的複合結構作賓語,注意不要受動詞 make 的影響而用錯句型。


    如:Smoking may cause lung cancer.吸菸可導致肺癌。(直接加造成的結果)He caused his friends much unhappiness.他弄得他朋友很不愉快。(雙賓語)The cold weather caused the plants to die.天氣寒冷凍死了植物(不定式複合結構)。

    表示“使”、“迫使”,通常接不定式的複合結構作賓語,注意不要受動詞 make 的影響而用錯句型.比較:是什麼使她哭了?正:What caused her to cry?/ What made her cry?誤:What caused her cry [crying]?/ What made her to cry?這個壞訊息使她傷心。

    正:The bad news caused her to be sad.正:The bad news made her sad.誤:The bad news caused her sad.

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