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    英 [greɪt] 美 [ɡret] adj. 偉大的,重大的;極好的,好的;主要的 n. 大師;大人物;偉人們


    English poetry is one of their great heritages. 英國詩歌是他們的偉大遺產之一。

    She has devoted herself unreservedly to the great cause. 她毫無保留地獻身於這偉大的事業。

    They have raised a monument in memory of the great writer. 他們修建了一座紀念碑來紀念這位偉大的作家。

    This great battle was vividly recorded in the documentary film. 這部記錄片生動地再現了這場偉大的戰役。

    The theory was advanced by the great Lenin. 這一理論是偉大的列寧提出的。


    英 [ˈwʌndə(r)fl] 美 [ˈwʌndɚfəl] adj. 極好的,精彩的,絕妙的;奇妙的;美妙;勝;神妙


    Wonderful phenomena of nature are all around us. 我們身邊到處都是奇妙的自然現象。

    In the White Sea nature reserve for white whales one can swim with these wonderful creatures or even touch them. 在白鯨的白色海洋自然保護區,人們可以與這些奇妙的生物游泳甚至擁抱它們。

    He then offered this assessment of the President: I hate to say this about a Republican, but Nixoncould have been a wonderful President. 接著他對總統做出了評價:“我不願意這樣評論一位共和黨人,但尼克松本來可以是一個極好的總統。

    It is with these thoughts in mind that I urge you in the following chapters to lay hold of thiswonderful, magical, transforming power. 正是由於瞭解到這些,我極力主張你在接下來的章節中掌控這個奇妙的、不可思議的、不斷變換的能力。

    If you see where this is leading, you"ll have understood something rather wonderful about life on earth. 如果想知道哪兒是起頭,就得明白和地球生物有關的一些非常奇妙的事情。


    英 ["ɔːs(ə)m] 美 ["ɔsəm] adj. 令人敬畏的;使人畏懼的;可怕的;極好的


    This is an awesome question, because it"s so true to life. 這是一個極好的問題,因為對於生活來說是如此的真切。

    Often, teams insist on the "awesome complexity" of their processes as a shield against change. 團隊經常堅持他們的過程的“可怕的複雜性”,以此作為阻擋變化的盾牌。

    But he sensed something like it, sensed the awesome truth, and as he stood there staring at theriverbank he was seeing it for all humankind. 但他橫生了一些感覺,更是對某種令人敬畏的真理有了體察,當他站在那裡注視河岸時,整個人類都因此而受益。

    To satisfy the sweeter taste buds, check out this awesome recipe for Dandelion syrup. 為了滿足甜蜜的味覺,看看這個可怕的蒲公英糖漿食譜。

    Cowen"s core point is that up until sometime around 1974, the American economy was able to experience awesome growth by harvesting low-hanging fruit. 科文的主要觀點是,直到1974年左右,美國的經濟依然可以由於低懸浮水果的豐收而獲得令人敬畏的增長。


    英 [gʊd] 美 [ɡʊd] adj. 好的;優良的;愉快的;虔誠的 n. 好處;善行;慷慨的行為 adv. 好 n. (Good)人名;(英)古德;(瑞典)戈德


    What good can they get from this? 他們能從這裡撈到什麼好處呢?

    You should not disparage good manners. 你不應該輕視好的風度。

    I believe on my good friend. 我信任我的好朋友。

    Everyone helped and it was good that they did. 每個人都來幫忙,這樣做是件好事。

    She would make him a good wife. 她可以成為他的好妻子。


    英 [naɪs] 美 [naɪs] adj. 精密的;美好的;細微的;和藹的 n. (Nice)人名;(英)尼斯


    Oh, what a nice little girl she is! 啊,這是一個多麼好的小姑娘!

    "It"ll be a nice memory for him," she said. 她說:“對於他來說,這會是一個美好的回憶。”

    I think it would be nice to see the clouds around us. 我覺得能看到雲朵在身邊圍繞是一件很美好的事情。

    He has buttered up the Republican minority in Congress, and they have gushed about how nice it is to work with him. 他甜言蜜語討好國會中少數派的共和黨人;而他們則滔滔不絕地講,能和奧巴馬共事是多麼美好。

    Very nice, but why should I use it? 很好,但是我為什麼要使用它呢?

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  • 情人節送玫瑰花的寓意是什麼?