  • 1 # 使用者9691927719903

    be cool 一般常用的意思有兩個。


    2.保持冷靜be的使用方法:be hard on 對某人苛刻 Don"t be hard on them . be impressed on 使某人銘記某事 That lesson has been impressed on me .那教訓我會永遠記得. be based on 以.為根據.

    3.Being cool is very important for us.冷靜對我們來說很重要。

    4.He always be cool .他總是很酷。

    5.Being cool is a good conduct .冷靜是個很好的行為。

  • 2 # 會跑步的漏斗



    1、If autumn arrives early, it will be cool; otherwise it will be hot. 早立秋涼颼颼,晚立秋熱死牛。

    2、Then in spring the ground will be cool and very damp. 那是的地面將會非常潮溼和冷。

    3、Let"s have it quickly or it"ll be cool. 讓我們吃了它吧,要不然它就涼了。

    4、You think it will be cool gunfights and explosions. 你以為會看到激烈的槍戰和爆炸。

    5、I can"t say who, but that would be cool. 我不能講她是誰,但這才叫酷呢

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