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    Mrs Smith,讀音:英 ["misiz smɪθ];美 [ˈmɪsɪz smɪθ]Mrs Smith:史密斯夫人(人名);史密斯太太(人名)燕大還有個聲樂教師叫史密斯夫人(Mrs Smith),後來還有位義大利人撒埃迪夫人(Mrs Saelli)也在燕大教過聲樂課。短語:短語Mr and Mrs Smith 史密斯夫婦 ; 史密夫決戰史密妻 ; 諜網情鴛 ; 史密斯先生和太太Mr & Mrs Smith 史密斯夫婦 ; 史密夫VS史密妻 ; 史密夫決戰史密妻a Mrs Smith 一位史密斯太太Mr&Mrs Smith 史密斯夫婦Mr n mrs Smith 最近觀看的電影the two Mrs Smith 這兩位史密斯太太and Mrs Smith 史密斯夫婦Mr &Mrs Smith 史密斯夫婦Mr Mrs Smith 史密斯夫婦例句:"I hope we can get this over with quickly, " gasped Mrs Smith. 史密斯太太目瞪口呆地說:“但願我們能快點搞完。”Pitt and Jolie - who has been married twice before - got together after meeting on the set of thefilm Mr and Mrs Smith in 2004, while he was still married to Aniston. 皮特和茱莉兩人以前都曾結過兩次婚,在2004年的電影《史密斯夫婦》中相識,然後走到了一起,那個時候皮特仍是安妮斯頓的丈夫。Whether or not they were dating at the time, Mr and Mrs Smith remains of interest to anyoneintrigued about the biggest Hollywood hook-up of a generation. 無論他們那時是否已經開始交往,《史密斯夫婦》成功挑起了每一個觀眾的興趣,來圍觀好萊塢這一代最耀眼的結合。

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