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    譯文:Little Match Girl《賣火柴的小女孩》是丹麥童話故事作家安徒生的一篇的童話故事,發表於1846年。主要講了一個賣火柴的小女孩在富人閤家歡樂,舉杯共慶的大年夜凍死在街頭的故事。原文+譯文:It"s freezing, snowing and getting dark. This is the last day of the year - New Year"s Eve. On this cold and dark night, a cute little girl was walking barefoot in the street. She came out of the house wearing a pair of slippers, but what"s the use?她的一雙小手幾乎凍僵了。啊,哪怕一根小小的火柴,對她也是有好處的!她敢從成把的火柴裡抽出一根,在牆上擦燃了,來暖和暖和自己的小手嗎?她終於抽出了一根。哧!火柴燃起來了,冒出火焰來了!她把小手攏在火焰上。多麼溫暖多麼明亮的火焰啊,簡直像一支小小的蠟燭。The little girl felt like she was sitting in front of a big stove with shining copper feet and handles. It was burning vigorously and warm. How comfortable it was! Hey, what"s going on here? She had just put her foot out to warm it up, and the match went out and the stove disappeared. She sat there with only one burnt matchstick in her hand. 擴充套件資料:內容簡介:它講述的是一個在聖誕夜賣火柴的小女孩的悲慘命運。因為沒有賣掉一根火柴,小女孩一天沒有吃東西。她又冷又餓,她擦亮了第一根火柴,看見了噴香的烤鵝。她擦亮第二根火柴,看見了美麗的聖誕樹;她擦亮了第三根火柴,看見了久違的外婆,她想讓外婆留在自己身邊,擦亮了一整把火柴。然而當火柴熄滅的時候,這所有的一切都不見了,小女孩就是這樣在聖誕之夜悲慘地死去,沒有人知道她在生前最後一刻看到的美好情景。

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