1、透鏡例句:A lens would magnify the picture so it would be like looking at a large TV screen.透鏡會把圖片放大,就像在看巨大的電視螢幕一樣。
2、鏡頭例句:A good tip is to buy the most expensive lens you can afford. 建議購買能負擔得起的最貴的鏡頭3、隱形眼鏡例句:This will loosen any build-up of protein or dirt on the lens. 這樣可以使沾在隱形眼鏡上的任何蛋白質和汙垢鬆動。LENS的常用片語:1、動詞+~grind a lens 磨鏡片2、形容詞+~plastic lens 塑膠鏡片strong lens 強力鏡頭telephoto lens 望遠鏡頭thick lenses 厚鏡片LENS的近義詞是optic。釋義:眼的、視覺的。差別:optic有光學的意思,LENS沒有。例句:The instrument enables the quantitative description of the optic nerve headtopography and time-related changes to it. 該儀器還能夠對視覺神經頭的走勢圖進行數量性描述以及其階段性的變動。
1、透鏡例句:A lens would magnify the picture so it would be like looking at a large TV screen.透鏡會把圖片放大,就像在看巨大的電視螢幕一樣。
2、鏡頭例句:A good tip is to buy the most expensive lens you can afford. 建議購買能負擔得起的最貴的鏡頭3、隱形眼鏡例句:This will loosen any build-up of protein or dirt on the lens. 這樣可以使沾在隱形眼鏡上的任何蛋白質和汙垢鬆動。LENS的常用片語:1、動詞+~grind a lens 磨鏡片2、形容詞+~plastic lens 塑膠鏡片strong lens 強力鏡頭telephoto lens 望遠鏡頭thick lenses 厚鏡片LENS的近義詞是optic。釋義:眼的、視覺的。差別:optic有光學的意思,LENS沒有。例句:The instrument enables the quantitative description of the optic nerve headtopography and time-related changes to it. 該儀器還能夠對視覺神經頭的走勢圖進行數量性描述以及其階段性的變動。