  • 1 # 使用者1950624491995

    Intentional infliction of emotional distress 故意造成情緒困擾 例句:

    1. The father of the fallen marine, albert snyder, sued the protesters for, among otherthings, the intentional infliction of emotional distress, and won a substantial jury awardthat was later overturned by an appeals court. 死者的父親阿爾伯特斯奈德以故意精神傷害向法院起訴了這些抗議者,並且贏得了關鍵的陪審團決議,但是隨後被上訴法院推翻了。

    2. The lawsuit for emotional distress says wolf is "now is unable to engage in sexualactivity, which is causing him substantial emotional and mental anguish." 關於情緒困擾方面的訴訟說,沃爾夫現在已經不能進行性行為,這使他處於巨大的精神痛苦中

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