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      5、田野中的油菜花,大約有兩尺多高了,那金黃色的油菜花又像是描繪在綠色新裝上的裝飾圖案。在Sunny的照耀下,一大片一大片的油菜花金光閃閃,格外耀眼。這時候,你如果走進田野,一陣陣清香會隨風飄來,整個田野都浸在香海中了。“嗡嗡嗡……”小蜜蜂飛來了,採走了香的粉,釀出了甜的蜜。5, in the field of rape, there are about two feet high, the golden yellow flowers of rape and the like is depicted in green clothes on the decorative pattern. In the sun, the sun shines, a large piece of rape with golden light, especially bright. At this time, if you go into the fields, bursts of fragrance will wind, the fields are immersed in the incense. "Buzz......" Bees flying, picked up the fragrance of the powder, and make sweet honey.

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