  • 1 # EraWalker

    不懂樓主什麼意思 c和java又不是機器語言


    -----------------------------看了下po主說的書的英文原版,相關段落如下:“Of course, the machine defined by a certain language may be enormously complicated and expensive to construct directly out of electronic circuits but we can imagine it nevertheless. A machine with C or C++ or Java as its machine language would be complex indeed but could easily be built using today’s technology. There is a good reason, however, for not building such a computer: it would not be cost effective compared to other techniques. Merely being doable is not good enough: a practical design must be cost effective as well.”

    現在的machine code之所以能被機器理解是因為有相應的電子元件。比如說各種門組成的邏輯運算子。某些電路控制的branch jump..


    如果真的要實現的話,首先要有一個可以parse指令的東西吧,也許是一個巨大的FSN。然後至少每條指令都要有相應的一區域的電子元件去實現吧。比如assembly數字可以ADD, 那電路里就會有相應的adder...但是像c,c++,java這種高等語言。。。有class,function,overload...電路會非常的複雜。。。應該是不會有人做的= =

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