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    Old hydrants in Shanhaiguan 5 km south of the high sea floor, this cornerstone of the base platform scales angle formed Peninsula inserted itself in the Bohai Sea. Like a dragon, the Great Wall, this will lead inserted into the sea, the sea waves stir ups and downs, so named after the "old hydrants." Ming-14 years (1381), "General Xu Wei, the Yanshan troops eBay, Xiu Yong Ping, 32, Guan Ling sector." Shanhaiguan construction of the Great Wall, Shanhaiguan Guan City, the Great Wall and the starting point lead in the old location. From that beginning until the end of World-old leading military defense on the construction has not stopped, by the sea Shicheng, Jing Krupp Taiwan, South Haikou customs Chenghai floor, Ninghai city, coastal Great Wall, Long-battalion comprised of military engineering, which makes the sea a defensive fortress complete land and sea defense work Cheng system.

    Early Qing Dynasty, in order to prevent invaders from the sea offensive Yijun, the Qing government in the coastal areas of Maritime strict policy forbidding the abolition of Kangxi 23 years. In 1840 the British Opium War, British and French warships intruded into China"s internal seas, in the vicinity of the old hydrants spotted, the government Jizhou heavily-old leader of coastal defense, and build a coastal defense artillery. The Xian Feng, Emperor Guangxu in the defense tight, the Qing government to mobilize the army barracks frequent.

    In 1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Shanhaiguan States warship from the old landing leading to strong army fire Chenghai floor, shelling old leader, the Great Wall defense building was severely damaged. And in the old coastal area leading to the construction of the Garrison Ying Pun, drawn boundary, do not allow Chinese people to have to withdraw only during the Second World War.

    In 1985, the old wall leading to repair, in calendar 2008, the old building to its original conditions leading military defense again.

    Leading the ages old hero is brought by the abbreviated stronghold, is located concept of the Range Rover shown, the Qing Dynasty Emperor Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong and Jiaqing, light and back to the emperor during Shengjing (now Shenyang) temple mound, the Shanhaiguan, leading to the roof of the old, obsessed the sentence, left many famous poems.






    老龍頭既是歷代英雄志士經略的要塞,又是文人墨客觀海Range Rover的佳境,清代康熙、雍正、、、等帝王每逢回盛京(今瀋陽)謁祖陵,經山海關,都要到老龍頭登樓觀海,賦詩聯句,留下了眾多膾炙人口的詩篇。

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