  • 1 # 黑黑魚兒


    1.She makes no difference between her two sons .她對兩個兒子一視同仁。

    2.It makes no difference to the count rate .這對計數率並沒有什麼影響。

    3.These differences are probably genetic .這些差異大概是遺傳上的差別。

    4.There is a decided difference between them .他們之間有截然的不同。

    5.I know that it wouldn"t make any difference .我知道這都無濟於事。

    6.It"s difficult to find difference in a sentence. 用difference造句挺難的

    7.He couldn"t see the difference between good and bad .他不分善惡。

    8.What is the difference between them ?那麼,它們之間有什麼區別呢?

    9.There is a great deal of difference between the two ...兩者相差甚遠。

    10.A half-cycle difference causes cancellation .相差半個週期才引起抵消。

    11.One honest man can make a difference .有一個老實人就可以大變樣。

    12.They decided to put aside their differences .他們決定拋開彼此的分歧。

    13.I can not spot the difference between them .我看不出兩者的區別。

    14.These differences are only quantitative .這些只不過是數量上的不同而已。

    15.Their difference is a quadratic residue of 17 .它們的差是17的平方剩餘。

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