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        (1)distort, twist, deform, contort, warp  (2)  These verbs mean to change and spoil the form or character of something. To  這些動詞都表示變化或損壞某物的外形或特徵。  (3)  distort is to alter in shape, as by torsion or wrenching; the term also applies to verbal or pictorial misrepresentation and to alteration or perversion of the meaning of something:  Distort 指透過扭轉或扭傷使改變形狀;該詞也可用來指對言語或繪畫的曲解和對某物意義歪曲:  “The human understanding is like a false mirror, which, receiving rays irregularly, distorts and discolors the nature of things by mingling its own nature with it” (Francis Bacon).  “人的理解如同一面假鏡子,無規律地接收光線,將自己的本質和事物的本質混合起來,從而歪曲和玷汙了事物的本質” (富蘭西斯·培根)。  (4)  Twist applies to distortion of form or meaning:  Twist 可用於指對外形的扭曲或對意義的歪曲:  a mouth twisted with pain.  痛得嘴歪了。  He accused me of twisting his words to mean what I wanted them to.  他指控我隨心所欲地歪曲了他的話。  (5)  Deform refers to change that disfigures and often implies the loss of desirable qualities such as beauty:  Deform 指使變形,常含有失去優秀品質(如美麗)之意:  Great erosion deformed the landscape.  巨大的侵蝕改變了地貌。  “The earlier part of his discourse was deformed by pedantic divisions and subdivisions” (Macaulay).  “學究式的劃分和次分損毀了他的講話的前一部分的外形” (麥考利)。  (6)  Contort implies violent change that produces unnatural or grotesque effects:  Contort 指巨大變化從而產生不自然的或奇異的結果:  a face contorted with rage;  由於發怒而使臉部劇烈扭曲;  a contorted line of reasoning.  歪曲奇異的思路。  (7)  Warp can refer to a turning or twisting from a flat or straight form (  Warp 可指扁型或直線型的改變或扭曲(  floorboards that had warped over the years). It also can imply the bending or turning of something from a true course or direction:  年久變形的地板)。 該詞也可指某事物正確路線或方向的歪曲或轉變:  Prejudice warps the judgment.  偏見歪曲了判斷  distort 基本意思是“扭曲”、“變形”、指具體有形的事物或自然和諧的事物  被扭曲變形,該詞所指變形不一定是很難看。指抽象事物時表示“歪曲”、  “曲解”。    1)She was groaning for the pain, which had distorted her face.  她痛得不斷地呻吟,臉都扭曲了。  2)He has suffered from severe Arthritis for years, which distorts her fingers.  他患嚴重的關節炎多年,手指都歪曲了。  3)I am afraid that you have distorted what he really means.  恐怕你曲解了他的是真正的意思。  4)I must declare that he distorted the truth of the fact.  我必須宣告,他扭曲了真事實的真相。    deform “變形”,指形態發生改變,多用於表示人或物的形態受到損毀或改  變,往往是指由好到壞的變化。    1)This kind of material can be plastically deformed without fracture.  這種材料可能會塑性變形,但不會斷裂。  2)No material will not deform more or less under the action of force.  沒有一種材料在力的作用不發生某種程度的變形。  3)Sitting badly for long periods of time can deform your spine.  長期坐姿不良會使脊柱變形。  4)During the energy accumulation, geostress increases gradually, and accordingly  rock deforms.  在能量積聚期間,地壓逐漸增加,岩石相應發生變形。

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