  • 1 # 嬌滴滴nv

    sweep away[英][swi:p əˈwei][美][swip əˈwe]掃除; 颳走; 沖走; 清除; 例句:

    1.Italy"s poor economic performance is sufficient evidence of hisfailure to sweep away that machine. 義大利糟糕的經濟表現足以說明他未能掃除那個核心。

    2.But such statistical improvements hardly fulfill the expectationsthat the july pollution control plan would sweep away foul airand render beijing a city of clear blue skies, at least for theolympics. 但是統計數字上的好轉並不能滿足7月空氣汙染管制的預期清除空氣汙染並給北京(也可以說是給奧運會)一個藍色的天空

  • 2 # 使用者3652896249351

    sweep away[英][swi:p əˈwei][美][swip əˈwe]掃除; 颳走; 沖走; 清除; 例句:

    1.Italy"s poor economic performance is sufficient evidence of hisfailure to sweep away that machine. 義大利糟糕的經濟表現足以說明他未能掃除那個核心。

    2.But such statistical improvements hardly fulfill the expectationsthat the july pollution control plan would sweep away foul airand render beijing a city of clear blue skies, at least for theolympics.

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  • 蟹柳有什麼簡單的做法呢?