  • 1 # 菘mum895

    yes,please 是的,請


    1. "Tea?" — "Yes, please."

    2. "More wine?"— "Yes please."


    3. Shall I turn on the TV? -- Yes, please.

    我開啟電視機好 嗎 ? -- 好, 請開啟吧.

    4. Yes , please . I want a pound of roast beef.


    5. Yes. Please send the memo to the department.


    6. Yes, please . You can contact me any day at New York 718 - 271 2848 extension 185.

    好的. 你可以打電話到紐約個我聯絡,(718)2712848-185.

    7. Yes, please. Tell her we"ll meet at the gate of the park.

    是的, 請告訴她我們將在公園門口見面.

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