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    你問的這首歌叫 《燃燒》(Burning),

    由挪威歌手 瑪麗亞 亞瑞唐多(Maria Arredondo)所唱,她的嗓子非常好,性感但不做作,有力但不炫耀,明亮但不過分照人。她的低音很沉,很女人但是又很自立.





    passion is sweet

    love makes weak

    you said you cherished freedom so

    you refuse to let it go

    follow your fate

    love and hate

    never fail to seize the day

    but dont give yourself away .

    oh when the night falls

    and your all alone

    in your deepest sleep what

    are you dreaming of

    my skin"s still burning from your touch

    oh i just can"t get enough i

    said i wouldn"t ask for much

    but your eyes are dangerous

    oh the thought keep spinning in my head

    can we drop this masquerade

    i can"t predict where it ends

    if your the rock i"ll crush against

    trapped in a crowd

    the music is loud

    i said i love my freedom to

    now i"m not sure i do

    all eyes on you

    rings so true

    better quit while you"re ahead

    now i"m not so sure i am

    oh when the night falls

    and your all alone

    in your deepest sleep what

    are you dreaming of

    my skin"s still burning from your touch

    oh i just can"t get enough i

    said i wouldn"t ask for much

    but your eyes are dangerous

    oh the thought keep spinning in my head

    can we drop this masquerade

    i can"t predict where it ends

    if your the rock i"ll crush against

    my soul my heart

    if you"re near if you"re far

    my life my love

    you can have it all....ooohaaaah.

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