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    第一人稱改為第三人稱時謂語動詞要作相應的變化 如果是一般現在時,第一人稱變為第三人稱單數時:

    1 be 動詞中的am要改為is , 如 I am a student . -> He/ She is a student . have 改為has , 如 I have a pen . -> He / She has a pen .

    2 實義動詞作謂語時,變第三人稱單數時謂語動詞要加s / es,動詞第三人稱單數的變化規則是: 1)一般在詞尾加s,如 open - opens 2)以s ,x ,ch ,sh ,o 結尾時,直接 在後面中es ,如 pass - passes ; fix - fixes ; watch - watches ; wash - washes , do - does 3)以子音字母加y 結尾時,變y 為i 再加es,如 carry - carries 例句: 1) I go to school on foot . -> He goes to school on foot . 2) I help Jim clean the windows . -> She helps Jim clean the windows. 3) I do my homework in the evening.-> He does his homework in the evening . 如果是一般過去時,實義動詞作謂語時都是用過去時(不受人稱和數的影響)如 I did my homework just now. He did his homework just now .

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