  • 1 # 神秘人

    名字就是sailingI am sailing, I am sailing,home again "cross the sea.I am sailing, stormy waters,to be near you, to be free.I am flying, I am flying,like a bird "cross the sky.I am flying, passing high clouds,to be with you, to be free.Can you hear me, can you hear methro" the dark night, far away,I am dying, forever trying,to be with you, who can say.We are sailing, we are sailing,home again "cross the sea.We are sailing, stormy waters,to be near you, to be free.We are sailing, we are sailing,home again "cross the sea.We are sailing, stormy waters,to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh my Lord, to be near you, to be free,Oh my Lord, to be near you, to be free,Oh my Lord.We are sailing, we are sailing,home again "cross the sea.We are sailing, stormy waters,to be near you, to be free.We are sailing, we are sailing,home again "cross the sea.We are sailing, stormy waters,

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