2. 檢查鍋爐壓力錶顯示是否大於0.5bar,鍋爐插電後會顯示在螢幕上,如壓力不夠則開啟注水閥補壓至1.5bar。(check system pressure and maintain 1.5Bar, fill up to 1.5 via fill-in valve if pressure is less than 0.5bar)
3. 按鍋爐總開關至1,生活熱水旋扭旋至中間,此時可提供生活熱水。(Turn the main switch to 1position and adjust the life hot water knob to 55 CD)
4. 開啟生活龍頭,則鍋爐螢幕上顯示燃燒符號,而生活熱水龍頭閃爍,表示為正常,此時鍋爐底部熱水管(左面第二根)會發熱。)(Turn on the hot water valve of a basin, the burning symbol and the life hot water symbol will be shown on the screen.
一、鍋爐的啟動(Start-up of boiler)
1. 檢查煤氣閥是否已開啟(check gas valve)
2. 檢查鍋爐壓力錶顯示是否大於0.5bar,鍋爐插電後會顯示在螢幕上,如壓力不夠則開啟注水閥補壓至1.5bar。(check system pressure and maintain 1.5Bar, fill up to 1.5 via fill-in valve if pressure is less than 0.5bar)
3. 按鍋爐總開關至1,生活熱水旋扭旋至中間,此時可提供生活熱水。(Turn the main switch to 1position and adjust the life hot water knob to 55 CD)
4. 開啟生活龍頭,則鍋爐螢幕上顯示燃燒符號,而生活熱水龍頭閃爍,表示為正常,此時鍋爐底部熱水管(左面第二根)會發熱。)(Turn on the hot water valve of a basin, the burning symbol and the life hot water symbol will be shown on the screen.