  • 1 # 司馬英才

    Hey This is bythysk,Happy to translate the lyrics for you LOL and now is 23:22

    When I"m less than I should be當我還未成為最好的自己

    When I just can"t face the day 當我逃避著眼前的一切

    When darkness falls around me當黑暗降臨,籠罩著我

    And I just can"t find my way 我迷失了方向

    When my eyes don"t clearly see 我的耳旁岑岑寂靜

    And I stumble through it all 一路上跌跌撞撞

    You I lean upon, you keep me strong 是你支援著我,讓我變得堅強

    And you rise me when I fall 是你鼓勵著我,讓我重獲Sunny

    You are there when I most need you 在我最需要你的時候,你就在那裡

    You are there so constantly 常伴於我身側

    You come shining through, you always do 你從光亮中向我走來

    You are always there for me 立於我身旁,仿若為我而生

    When life brings me to my knees 當生活的磨難妄圖使我屈服

    When my back"s against the wall 當我只能失落倚著牆壁

    You are standing there right with me 你靜靜陪著我

    Just to keep me standing tall 只為了給我面對和解決所有障礙的勇氣

    Though a burden I might be 也許我對你只是個負擔吧

    You don"t weary, you don"t rest 但你從不倦怠,從不停歇

    You are reaching out to carry me 你伸出手來,帶領我走出一個又一個的困境

    And I know I"m heaven-blest 我知道我一直承天之佑,而你,就是我的上帝

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