  • 1 # yfxvhgf

      I am sorry  對不起;我很抱歉  例句:  

    1.I am sorry to tell you that I can"t go out with you.  很抱歉沒辦法和你出去了。  

    2.I am sorry to say this, but I seem to have lost the key to the safe.  很抱歉,我好像已把保險箱的鑰匙掉了。  

    3.I am sorry I was busy yesterday. If I had had time, I would have come to seeyou.  對不起,昨天我很忙。要是有時間,我就來看你了。  

    4.I am sorry I can"t come to your birthday party. My wife has been ill and I"ve gotto take her to the hospital.  對不起,我不能參加你的生日聚會了。我太太病了,我得送她去醫院。  

    5.I am sorry, I am afraid it is not convenient for me to leave the phone number toyou.  不好意思,我恐怕不太方便留電話號碼給你。

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