  • 1 # a不會愛的小笨蛋

    1、be good at 意為“擅長……”,表示“擅長於某一學科知識或技能”,也可表示“在……方面做得好。後接名詞、代詞或V-ing形式。例:I"m good at drawing。我擅長繪畫。2、be good for意為 “對……有好處、能”。例:Running is good for your health. 跑步對你身體有好處。3、be good with意為“靈巧的;與……相處得好”。例:He is very good with the children. 他與這些孩子處得很好。4、be good to意為“對……友好”。to後一般接表示人的代詞或名詞,其中good可用friendly代替。例:Miss Li is very good/friendly to us student. 老師對我們學生非常好。5、Be good! 好好的!別淘氣!聽話,用於口語交流中。例:I"ll be good, I swear! 我會聽話的,我發誓!擴充套件資料近義詞:1、be good with=get on well with與……相處得好例:He is very good with the children.=He is getting on with the children.他與這些孩子處得很好。2、be good at=do well in例:I guess I can do well in myself! 我想我會做好我自己的!反義詞:1、be good for反義詞是be bad for,對……有壞處例:Watching TV too much is bad for your eys視看得太多對你的眼睛有害。2、be good to反義詞是be not good to或be bad to,對待……不好。例:The son is not good/bad to his old parents. 兒子對他年老的父母不好。

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