  • 1 # a不會愛的小笨蛋

    Right 正確的; 真正的; 真實的. (可與這些詞中的correct 換用, 但常暗示道德, 理解, 行動等方面的正確.) Meaning : True or correct as a fact . Examples : a) Did you get the answer right? 你回答得正確嗎? b) Courage is that virtue which champions the cause of right. 勇敢是支援正義事業的美德. True 實質的,真正的.(暗指絕對準確,沒有任何虛假, 尤指複製品與原件絲毫不差而非表面上的.) Meaning : Real or exact, especially when this is different from how something seems. Example : He reveals his true character to very few people. 他沒有向什麼人顯露過他的真實性格.

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