Big Fish tells the story of Chun, a young girl in control of the growth of begonia flowers, who tries to revive the soul of a human boy kun in return for his kindness, and then fights off their intertwined fates with the help of young qiu, then a local god. The film is based on ancient books such as Zhuanzi · Happy Excursion, The Classic of Mountains and Sea, and The Book of Searching God. It combines ancient Chinese mythological elements like "Nuwa patching the sky" and won the Best Animated Feature award of the 15th Budapest International Animation Film Festival with its outstanding performance.《大魚海棠》該片講述了掌管海棠花生長的少女“椿”為報恩而努力復活人類男孩“鯤”的靈魂,並在本是天神的少年“湫”的幫助下與彼此糾纏的命運鬥爭的故事。 影片取材於《莊子·逍遙遊》《山海經》《搜神記》等古書,融合了“女媧補天”等中國上古神話元素,以憑藉出色的影片表現力斬獲了第15屆布達佩斯國際動畫電影節最佳動畫長片獎。
Big Fish tells the story of Chun, a young girl in control of the growth of begonia flowers, who tries to revive the soul of a human boy kun in return for his kindness, and then fights off their intertwined fates with the help of young qiu, then a local god. The film is based on ancient books such as Zhuanzi · Happy Excursion, The Classic of Mountains and Sea, and The Book of Searching God. It combines ancient Chinese mythological elements like "Nuwa patching the sky" and won the Best Animated Feature award of the 15th Budapest International Animation Film Festival with its outstanding performance.《大魚海棠》該片講述了掌管海棠花生長的少女“椿”為報恩而努力復活人類男孩“鯤”的靈魂,並在本是天神的少年“湫”的幫助下與彼此糾纏的命運鬥爭的故事。 影片取材於《莊子·逍遙遊》《山海經》《搜神記》等古書,融合了“女媧補天”等中國上古神話元素,以憑藉出色的影片表現力斬獲了第15屆布達佩斯國際動畫電影節最佳動畫長片獎。