  • 1 # 使用者8272861878303

    作為切削型機床的綜合製造廠商,森精機制作所一直以生產為出發點。我們的發展歷程就是一部不斷迎接變革和挑戰的歷史。我們的目標就是為客戶創造第一的機床製造商。我們堅持不懈地追求頂尖技術和星級服務,創造機床的新價值,為全球客戶帶來無限可能。最新動態2010/03/02 高速、高精度臥式加工中心的大型新機種NH 系列上市! (300 KB) 2010/01/05 高精度、高效率的複合加工機「NT1000」榮獲日刊工業新聞社主辦2009年(第52屆)十大新產品獎。 2009/10/28 NL系列累積銷量突破10,000臺! (115 KB) 2009/09/17 EMO MILANO 2009 (240 KB) 2009/08/19 高精度立式加工中心NV系列的NV7000上市! (269 KB) 2009/08/05 DDRT 全線陣容開始接受訂購! (217 KB) 2009/07/16 新型高效能作業系統「MAPPS IV」誕生 (287 KB) 2009/07/15 5軸聯動高精度立式加工中心NMV8000 DCG榮獲,由日刊工業新聞社頒發、經濟產業省贊助的第39屆機械工業設計獎(審查委員會特別獎)。 2009/07/09 針對小型工件的「NMV 系列」新機種上市! (474 KB) 2009/07/01 高精度、高效率的複合加工機NT 系列 新增新型緊湊型機種 (530 KB)

  • 2 # 用07

    森精機 mori seiki (森精機制作所)有名的機床企業(世界第六吧) 年收入1000億日元左右,金融危機受了一定的影響,競爭對手山崎mazak(年收 2000億日元 世界最大) 牧野 斗山工程機械 大隈等

    這是一家技術力很強的企業 主營 數控車床和數控中心。另外森精機制作所與德國吉特邁(Gildemeister)是聯盟關係


    Mori Seiki (TYO: 6141) is a Japan-based company, headquartered in Nagoya City, engaged primarily in the manufacture and sale of machine tools. Since its establishment in 1948, it has grown into one of the largest machine tool builders in the world.


    Mori Seiki Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of machine tools, peripherals and systems, with more than 160,000 installations around the world. Mori Seiki is directed by President Masahiko Mori, Dr. Eng., and employs over 3,071 individuals worldwide. The company’s U.S. headquarters is in Chicago with locations in Boston, Cincinnati, Dallas, Detroit, Los Angeles and New Jersey. The international headquarters is located in Nagoya, Japan.

    In the 21st century, Mori Seiki established the Digital Technology Laboratory (DTL) in Davis, California, USA. The mission of DTL is to develop advanced software for new products.

    In 2009, the company relocated its U.S. headquarters to a newly built building, located in the AT&T corporate center in Hoffman Estates, Illinois.

    Products and Technologies

    The Company"s major products include computer numerical control (CNC) lathes, parallel-twin-spindle turning centers, multi-axis turning centers, five-axis turning centers, vertical machining centers, horizontal machining centers, linear motor-driven horizontal machining centers, operating systems, machining support systems, networking systems, and production support systems. Mori Seiki has 29 subsidiaries and six associated companies.

    Throughout its history, the company has developed more than 200 models of CNC lathes and machining centers.

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