  • 1 # lalbemdmk

    My father is a driver and my mother is a teacher. Both of them work hard during the week.No matter how busy they are, they always manage to take us to our uncle"s home at the weekend and work on their farm.我爸爸是個司機,媽媽是老師,平時他們都很努力工作。無論他們多麼忙,週末他們總設法帶我們去叔叔家,和他們一起去田裡幹活。The farm is not very big, but there is always so much to do on a farm.I like to look after the animals, taking them to the field, giving them food, and playing with them.他們的農場並不大,可是總有許多活要做。我喜歡照看動物:帶它們到地裡轉轉,給它們餵食,與它們玩耍。My parents help my uncle in the field, while my aunt prepares dinner for us.Sometimes I help in the field, too.It is on the farm that I get to know the meaning of the saying, "A grain, a sweat."After several hours" hard work, we are all hungry and tired. We usually have a big meal, and then go back home in the evening.我父母幫助叔叔乾田裡的活,我嬸嬸在家做飯。有時我也去地裡幹活。就是在農場我才理解“一滴汗水,一分收穫”這句話的意義。幾小時的勞動使我們又餓又累,我們通常都要大吃一頓,

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