  • 1 # 老生談笑

    [英] [lɛɡ][美] [lɛɡ]n.腿; (桌、椅等的)腿; (旅行或程序的)一段, 一站; 叉狀物的一分支; 【板球】腿側區OFF的反義詞; 〈古〉屈膝禮v.〈非正式〉步行, 走; 〈主史〉(撐船者)用腿蹬洞頂或洞壁使(船)透過運河隧洞


    1.她的一條腿上上了金屬夾板。She wore a metal splint on one leg.

    2.她摔倒後感到腿上一陣劇烈的疼痛。As she fell a searing pain shot through her leg.

    3.她腿上破了一個可怕的口子。She had a nasty ut on her leg.

    4.她腿上有些粉末狀物質Powdery substance on her leg.

    5.她用一條腿勾住高空吊架,身子倒懸著。She hung from the trapeze by one leg.

    6.我的左腿失去知覺了。I had no sensation in my left leg.

    7.我們最好的短跑選手跑最後一棒。Our best sprinter will run the anchor leg.

    8.我想用槍射silas的腿Might shoot silas in the leg.

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