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    Justin Bieber的《never say never》(永不言敗)


    I will never say never! (I will fight)我永不言敗!(我會戰鬥)

    I will fight till forever! (make it right)我會一直戰鬥!(戰勝他)

    Whenever you knock me down 不管何時你打敗我

    I will not stay on the ground 我都絕不會一蹶不振

    Pick it up 繼續戰鬥

    Pick it up 繼續戰鬥

    Pick it up 繼續戰鬥

    Pick it up up up 繼續戰鬥

    And never say never 我永不言敗


    I just can’t sleep tonight 今夜我無法入睡

    knowing that things ain"t right 我知道那些事情是不對的

    It"s in the papers 那些在報紙上

    It"s on the TV 在電視上

    It"s everywhere that I go 不論我走到哪都能看到

    Children are crying 孩子們在哭泣

    Soldiers are dying 戰士們面臨著死亡

    Some people don"t have a home 一些人沒有了家

    But I know there"s a sunshine behind that rain 但是我知道Sunny總在風雨後 I know there"s good times behind that pain 我知道幸福時光總要經歷那樣的痛苦


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