  • 1 # 人生何處不相逢9099

    第一,free from vt.不受(免於,沒有).\x0d後面接的是負面的東西,一般較抽象化Examples:\x0d1.People in there are free from want and fear.\x0d生活在那裡的人民可免於匱乏及恐懼.\x0d2.This city is free from thieves.\x0d這個城市沒有盜賊.\x0d3.Free from traditional social or moral constraints.\x0d任意的不受傳統的社會或道德限制的\x0d4.The hill is completely free from trees.\x0d這個山丘上一棵樹也沒有.\x0d5.A judge must be free from prejudice.\x0d法官必須不抱成見.\x0d6.You must take the most scrupulous care to keep the wound free from the dirt.\x0d你必須非常小心地護理,以免傷口沾上汙物.\x0d7.When her son returned she was at last free from anxiety.\x0d她兒子回來了,她總算解除了憂慮.\x0d8.He leads a life (which is) free from care.\x0d他過著無憂無慮的生活.\x0d第二,.free of 免於\x0d後面接的一般是具體化的東西.\x0dExamples:\x0d1.The streets have been swept free of leaves.\x0d街上的落葉已打掃乾淨.\x0d2.He was free of the house.\x0d他可以自由使用那房子.\x0d3.Don"t interrupt him; he"s been writing away all morning and likes to have a long period free of other considerations.\x0d別打攪他,他已不停地寫了一上午了.他喜歡有個較長的時間不受其它事情的干擾.\x0d4.The ship was free of the harbor.\x0d那艘船離開了港囗.

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