  • 1 # 雪山之巔的燈

    Better man——Robbie Williams(出色的男人——羅比·威廉姆斯)

    Send someone to love me 送一個人來愛我

    I need to rest in arms 我需要在其臂彎入睡

    Keep me safe from harm in pouring rain 讓我有安全感,免受傷害,遠離傾盆大雨

    Give me endless summer 給我無盡的夏季吧

    Lord I fear the cold 上帝啊,我害怕寒冷

    Feel I"m getting old before my time 感覺自己行將老去,在有生之年

    As my soul heals the shame 當我的靈魂愈羞愧

    I will grow through this pain 我才能從陣痛中解脫成長

    Lord I"m doing all I can to be a better man 上帝啊~我付出所有的努力只是想成為出色的男人

    Go easy on my conscience 我無愧於心

    "Cause it"s not my fault 因為這不是我的錯

    I know I"ve been taught to take the blame 我已經學會去承擔一切

    Rest assured my angels 放心吧,我的天使

    Will catch my tears 我會把眼淚收藏

    Walk me out of here I"m in pain 帶我離開這兒,讓我遠離傷痛

    As my soul heals the shame 當我的靈魂愈羞愧

    I will grow through this pain 我才能從陣痛中解脫成長

    Lord I"m doing all I can to be a better man 上帝啊~我竭盡所能成為一個出色的男人

    Once you"ve found that lover you"re homeward bound 當你找到了那份愛,你的心就回到了家

    Love is all around love is all around 愛在你身邊縈繞

    I know some have fallen on stony ground 即便我知道我曾跌倒在無情的土地上

    But love is all around 但是愛一直都在

    Send someone to love me 送一個人來愛我吧

    I need to rest in arms 我需要在其臂彎安睡

    Keep me safe from harm in pouring rain 讓我有安全感,免受傷害,遠離傾盆大雨

    Give me endless summer 給我無盡的夏季吧

    Lord I fear the cold 上帝啊~我害怕寒冷

    Feel I"m getting old before my time 我在有生之年將老去

    As my soul heals the shame 當我的靈魂愈羞愧

    I will grow through this pain 我才能從陣痛中解脫成長

    Lord I"m doing all I can to be a better man 上帝啊~我竭盡所能成為一個出色的男人

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