  • 1 # 使用者9535254571587

    Patron: Excuse me, can you help me find a book titled "Harry Porter and the Socerer"s stone"?

    Librarian: Absolutely! Just give me one minute so that I can finish typing up this message.

    Librarian: Ok, now. Sir, can you please repeat the title of the book?

    Patron: It"s "Harry Potter and the Socerer"s Stone". I believe it was authored by J.K. Rowling, but not sure about the publisher.

    Librarian: Thank you! Well, looks like we have two copies but they have been checked out by others. Would you like to place a hold on them? Or I can help you recall one of the copies?

    Patron: Actually I don"t mind waiting for it. Please just help me place a hold on it.

    Librarian: Great! Can you do me a fabor and just scan your library card here?

    Patron: Certainly. Here you go.

    Librarian: Now you are all set! Anything else I can help you with?

    Patron: That"s all. You have been very helpful! Thank you and have a great day!

    Libarian: It was my pleasure. You have a good day too!

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