  • 1 # 哈呼呼呼


    Elizabeth bennet (keira knightley) and sister jean Bennett (Rosa Mr Parker), sister Mary Bennett (da ji Lou, rylai), Katie Bennett (Carey MuLiGen), and Lydia bennet (Gina Malone) these 5 born in a small landlord family sisters all damsels.Mrs. Bennet (Brenda Bryce) "s biggest goal in life is to find Mr. Right for all five of her daughters.Unfortunately, the second daughter Elizabeth can always find 100 reasons not to marry refused to mother.When Mrs. Bennet heard that the neighbouring manor house was rented by a wealthy bachelor, and that he would be coming to spend the summer with his respectable friends, she was delighted to think it a blessing for her daughters, the suitors looked at her, and things went out as she expected.The 5 sisters originally drab and a little quiet life with the rich single Handaisie (Matthew McFadden) and his good friend Grey the arrival of two young men and waves.Healthy and progressive Grey and rich darcy this pair of good friends in the town to get to know the Bennet home after the five flowers, a beautiful and full of pride and prejudice love story began.

    Elizabeth (Keira Knightley), the most hard-working of her five sisters, is also an intelligent college student who has never considered marriage until she graduates.But her judgment is put to the test when she meets the handsome, cynical Grey and the cerebral businessman Darcy (Matthew McFadden).Because rich children Darcy in a short relationship soon fell in love with the beautiful Elizabeth.And, Despite the gap between family and wealth, Darcy courageously proposed to her, but because of Elizabeth"s misunderstanding and prejudice against him, he was ruthlessly rejected.The reason for Elizabeth"s misunderstanding and prejudice against him is that Darcy, who was born with wealth, often showed insolence, which disgusted the upright and kind Elizabeth.Because Darcy"s arrogance is actually a reflection of the difference in status, as long as this arrogance exists, it is impossible for him and Elizabeth to have the same thoughts and feelings, as well as an ideal marriage.

    But after a period of time, Elizabeth gradually found and witnessed the same kind Darcy in the way of life and a series of actions in a qualitative change.In particular, his old conceited manner disappeared completely, so Elizabeth"s misunderstanding and prejudice towards him gradually disappeared, and a happy marriage was finally achieved.Her sisters get their own sweet lives.


    伊麗莎白·班納特 (凱拉·奈特莉飾) 和姐姐珍·班納特(羅莎曼德·派克 飾)、妹妹瑪麗·班納特 (妲露拉·萊莉飾) 、凱蒂·班納特 (凱瑞·穆麗根飾) 以及麗迪亞·班納特 (吉娜·馬隆 飾) 這5個出身於小地主家庭的姐妹個個如花似玉。班納特太太 (布蘭達·布萊斯飾) 最大的人生目標就是給她的這5個女兒都找到如意的郎君。可惜天不從人願,二女兒伊麗莎白總能找出100個不願結婚的理由拒絕母親。當班納特太太聽說鄰近的莊園被一個富有的單身漢租下,並且會帶著他那些有身份的朋友們前來消夏時,她興奮地認定這是女兒們的福分,求婚的人眼看著就要上門了,而事情也正如她預想的那樣發展開來。姐妹5人原本單調且略顯平靜的生活伴隨著富有的單身漢達西 (馬修·麥克費登飾) 和他的好友格萊兩個年輕小夥子的到來而泛起了波瀾。健康向上的格萊和富家子達西這對要好的朋友在結識了鎮上班納特家的這五朵金花之後,一段美麗而飽含傲慢與偏見的愛情故事就此展開。

    伊麗莎白 (凱拉·奈特莉飾) 是5個姐妹中最勤勉的一個,她還是個有才智的大學生,在畢業之前她從沒有考慮過談婚論嫁。但是當她遇到英俊瀟灑,玩世不恭的格萊和理智的商人達西 (馬修·麥克費登飾) 後,她的判斷力開始接受考驗。因為富豪子弟達西在短暫的交往後很快便深深地愛上了美麗的伊麗莎白。並且,達西不顧門第和財富的差距,勇敢地向她求婚,但卻因為伊麗莎白對他存有的誤會和偏見,而遭到了無情的拒絕。伊麗莎白對他存有誤會和偏見的原因是,出身富貴的達西經常表現出不可一世的傲慢,這令正直善良的伊麗莎白討厭不已。因為達西的這種傲慢實際上是地位差異的反映,只要存在這種傲慢,他與伊麗莎白之間就不可能有共同的思想和感情,也不可能有理想的婚姻。但經過了一段時間之後,漸漸地,伊麗莎白髮現並親眼看到了同樣善良的達西在為人處世和一系列所作所為上有了質的改變。特別是他過去那種驕傲自負的神態完全不見了蹤影,於是伊麗莎白對他的誤會和偏見也逐漸消失,一段美滿的姻緣也就此最終成就。她的姐妹們也各自得到了想要的甜蜜生活。

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