  • 1 # 手機使用者85614424703

      I said remember this moment 我告訴自己,要一直記得那一刻  

      In the back of my mind 印刻在腦海裡   

      The time we stood with our shaking hands 那時的我們,站在那裡,手不時的顫抖著   

      The crowds in stands went wild 看臺的人群,開始瘋狂起來   

      We were the kings and the queens 曾經,我們是王國裡的國王與王后   

      And they read off our names 他們呼喊著我們的名字   

      The night you danced like you knew our lives 繁星下,你的舞步向我訴說著   

      Would never be the same 我們的生活會就此改寫   

      You held your head like a hero 你揚起你的頭,好似英雄一般   

      On a history book page 在史冊的那一頁   

      It was the end of a decade 這,是一個年代的末篇   

      But the start of an age 卻,是一個世紀的開端   

      Long live the walls we crashed through 萬歲! 那些我們並肩穿越的困難艱險   

      All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you王國的光芒如此耀眼,只因為你和我   

      I was screaming, "long live all the magic we made" 我在大聲呼喊著,“萬歲,那些我們一起創造的奇蹟“   

      And bring on all the pretenders 就讓那些虛偽的人,衝我們來吧   

      One day we will be remembered 總有一天,我們會被世人銘記   

      I said remember this feeling 我告訴自己,要記得這感受   

      I passed the pictures around 傳閱著這些照片   

      Of all the years that we stood there on the sidelines 照片裡的我們,站在角落裡等待著,   Wishing for right now祈禱著這一刻的來臨   

      We are the kings and the queens 這時,我們是這個世界的統治者   

      You traded your baseball cap for a crown 你,用你的棒球帽交換了一頂CROWN   

      When they gave us our trophies 當他們授予我們獎盃的那一刻   

      And we held them up for our town 我們將它高舉過頭頂   

      And the cynics were outraged憤世嫉俗的人暴跳如雷   

      Screaming, "this is absurd" 驚聲尖叫著:這實在是荒謬可笑!   

      "Cause for a moment a band of thieves 因為那些穿著帶有破洞牛仔褲的小偷們   

      in ripped up jeans got to rule the world 曾經統治著這個世界   

      Long live the walls we crashed through萬歲! 那些我們並肩穿越的困難艱險   

      All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you 王國的光芒如此耀眼,只因為你和我   I was screaming, "long live all the magic we made"我大聲呼喊著:萬歲,那些我們一起創造的奇蹟

      And bring on all the pretenders 就讓那就虛偽的人,衝著我們來吧   

      I"m not afraid 我無所畏懼   

      Long live all the mountains we moved萬歲!那些我們一起挪移的山巒   

      I had the time of my life我生命中的那一段時間   

      Fighting dragons with you 曾和你一起與邪惡戰鬥   

      I was screaming, "long live the look on your face" 我大聲呼喊著:就讓那一刻的微笑,一直在你的臉頰   

      And bring on all the pretenders 就讓那些虛偽的人,衝著我們來吧   

      One day we will be remembered 有一天,我們會被世人銘記   

      Hold on to spinning around 堅持住,直到那一刻,世界為你旋轉   

      Confetti falls to the ground 五彩繽紛的紙屑,漫天飛舞   

      May these memories break our fall就讓記憶裡的美好,扶持著我們,不再墜落   

      Will you take a moment 你會用一點點的時間嗎?   

      Promise me this:向我起誓   

      That you"ll stand by me forever 一直站在我的身邊,哪怕是滄海桑田   

      But if God forbid fate should step in 但是,如果有一天,上帝阻止了命運的腳步   

      And force us into a goodbye將我們的結局改寫為“再也不見”   

      If you have children someday也許在未來的某一天,你有了孩子   

      When they point to the pictures 當他們指著這些照片的時候   

      Please tell them my name請告訴他們,我的名字   

      Tell them how the crowds went wild 告訴他們,那時,人群是如何的開始瘋狂   

      Tell them how I hope it shined 告訴他們 ,我是多希望,他們能夠閃亮   

      Long live the walls we crashed through 萬歲!那些我們一起穿越的困難   

      I had the time of my life with you 曾經,我與你分享著生命   Long, long live the walls we crashed through 萬萬歲!那些我們一起穿越的困難   All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you 那個王國的光芒如此耀眼,只因為你和我   And I was screaming, "long live all the magic we made" 我曾經放聲大喊:萬歲,那些我們一起創造的奇蹟   And bring on all the pretenders 就讓那就虛偽的人們,衝著我們來吧   I"m not afraid 我無所畏懼   Singing long live all the mountains we moved吟唱著:萬歲,那些我們一起挪移的山巒   I had the time of my life 我曾經和你一起 Fighting dragons with you 與邪惡戰鬥   And long, long live the look on your face 萬萬歲!你臉上的神情   And bring on all the pretenders 就讓那些虛偽的人們,衝著來吧   One day we will be remembered總有一天,我們會被世人銘記

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