  • 1 # 劉星河呀

    1.you should practice English everyday.每天練習英語。

    2.Speak English as much as you can.儘可能多的說英語。

    3.Watch some English movies and learn the setences from them.看英文原聲電影,並且學習英文。

    4.Listen to English songs, it can help you be interested in Eglish.聽英文歌曲,它能幫助你對英語產生興趣。

    5.Read some grammar books.閱讀一些語法書。

    6.You can talk with foreigner if you have the chance.如果有機會,和外華人對話。

    7.When you face some problems in Eglish.ask your teacher or your friends for help.當你遇見英語問題的時候,想你的老師或是朋友尋求幫助。

    8.Chat in English on the Internet.可以在網上用英語聊天。

    9.Do some exercise about English,做一些英語練習。

    10. Read English newspaper,such as 21th Centry.讀一些英語報紙,如:21世紀報紙。

    11. You can also find a tutor to help you.也可以找家教。

    12. Keep on working on it, never give up,never give in.堅持學習,永不放棄,永不屈服。

    13. Your attitude is very important.態度決定一切。

    14. Never too young to start doing things.學不嫌早。

    15. Be confident!要自信!!!!!!!!

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