  • 1 # 吉祥如意鄭先生

    為了對得起未來的自己,現在的你不能貪圖安逸,努力不是為了得到別人的誇耀,而是為了將來活得有尊嚴有底氣。In order to live up to the future of their own, now you can not covet comfort, not to get other pople"s boast, but to live in the future with dignity and confidence.

    撐不住的時候,可以對自己說聲“我好累”,但永遠不要在心裡承認說“我不行”。不要在最該奮鬥的年紀選擇了安逸,沒什麼好說的,一無所有就是奮鬥的理由,我們試著長大,一路跌跌撞撞,然後遍體鱗傷,總有一天,你會站在最亮的地方,活成自己曾經渴望的模樣。When you can"t stand it, you can say "I"m tired" to yourself, but never admit "I can"t" in your heart.

    人生向上的路,並不擁擠,只是許多人都選擇了安逸。The upward road of life is not crowded, but many people choose to be comfortable.

    後來才明白,要賺到足夠令自己安心的錢,才能過上簡單、安逸、自由的生活,才能讓自己活得更有底氣。所以,多花時間努力,少點功夫矯情。Later, I learned that only when I earn enough money to make myself comfortable, can I live a simple, comfortable and free life, and can I live a more solid life. So, spend more time and effort, and less time and affectation.

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