  • 1 # 使用者356005395580

    個人物品雙語例句1.Passengers carrying goods of commercial value, samples or articles other than personalbelongings.攜帶貨物、貨樣以及攜帶物品超出旅客個人自用行李物品範圍者;2.Please safeguard your own valuables.tac-ec is not responsible for loss or damage ofpersonal belongings.貴重物品請自行保管,如有遺失,大會恕不負責。3.Passenger"s luggage and personal belongings shall not be included in the value forcontribution.旅客的行李和私人物品,不分攤共同海損。4.Please don"t forget to take your personal belongings before you get off the train.在下火車前,請別忘了帶走私人物品。5.Make sure you don ’ t leave your personal belongings in the car.檢查一下別把您的東西落在車上。

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