  • 1 # 湯圓電影Vlog

      take up拿起;舉起;拾起  例句:  

    1.However, any agreement could take up to a year to finalise.  然而,最終敲定協議可能需要一年時間。  

    2.Defines how much space the view should take up.  定義檢視應該佔用多大的空間。  

    3.This kind of case could take up to two or three years of litigation.  這類案件可能會花上兩年或三年的時間進行訴訟。  work on從事;致力於;繼續工作  例句:  1.You may be told to get out of a building or to not go to work on time.  你可能會被告之離開一所建築物,或者不要準時去上班。  2.Handy Ted is getting ready to do some work on his place and he is indesperate  方便的泰德是準備做一些工作,他的位置,他在你急需幫助的。  3.So, if you"re trying to get to the next level, work on your stroke production morethan anything else.  因此,如果你正在嘗試達到下一個水準,那麼努力著手於產生打擊力,比其他事更重要。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 滷狗肉用什麼樣的顏色?