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    (1) buy 是最為普遍的用詞,purchase 有時在較為官式的場合出現,比較上來得文化意味較重,而且似乎經過"深思熟慮"才決定的:"The board of directors has decided to purchase the land lot no.231 from xxx"在此例子裡,用 buy 完全不會影響其原意.(2) buy 和 purchase 例如你可 buy time (爭取時間),I don"t buy Tom"s ida.我不採納湯姆的意見.這時便不能換作purchase了.(3) buy 和 purchase 雖然都可作名詞.但若是指一項「購入」則多用 purchase.buy 作名詞用時多數作「抵到爛/執到寶...」解.We made the purchase last year (我們在上年達成這項購物/入的)It was a real buy at that price!(以那價錢來說真是抵到爛啦!) 至於deal with則多指安排,處理,涉及,做生意.可以用(make bussiness)、(cope with )、(manage)、(handle)、(see to)、(take care)、(sort out)、(content with)、(take in hand)等作同義詞用.

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