  • 1 # 二五七八

    Some police stand at crossing .一些警察站在十字路口。Many were sick from crossing the ocean.許多人因為飄洋過海而患病。Go straight and turn right at the first crossing.直走在第一個十字路口向右轉。Just across the level crossing there"s a right turning.剛好過了平交道有一個向右的彎道。Go down this road and turn left at the second crossing.沿著這條路走,然後在第二個十字路口往左拐。Go down this street, and turn to the left at the second crossing.沿著這條街走,在第二個十字路口向左拐。And it"s not hard to imagine a time when nobody will be interested in crossing over .不難想象,當沒有人願意從這座橋上經過的時候,那會是怎樣的光景。But cars and trucks had been using a makeshift crossing to get from Tyre to Beirut and back.不過小車和大卡車都透過一條湊合用的公路往返於提爾和貝魯特之間。This will gives a really satisfying feeling when you"re crossing things off your list like crazy.在你瘋狂地勾去清單上的事務時,這會給你帶來一個真正的滿足感。

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