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    儒勒·凡爾納 Rule Jules Verne儒勒·凡爾納是19世紀法國著名的科幻小說和冒險小說作家,被譽為“現代科學幻想小說之父”, 曾寫過《海底兩萬裡》、《地心遊記》等著名科幻小說。1848年赴巴黎學習法律,寫過短篇小說和劇本。1863年起,他開始發表科學幻想冒險小說,以總名稱為《在已知和未知的世界中奇異的漫遊》一舉成名。

    Jules Verne, a famous French science fiction and adventurous novelist in nineteenth Century, is known as the father of modern science fiction, and has written famous science fiction such as "twenty thousand li on the bottom of the sea", "the heart of the earth" and so on. In 1848, he went to Paris to study law, and wrote short stories and plays. Since 1863, he has begun to publish a science fiction adventure novel, which is famous for its total name "strange wandering in the known and unknown world".

    代表作為三部曲 :《格蘭特船長的兒女》《海底兩萬裡》《神秘島》。   凡爾納總共創作了六十六部長篇小說和短篇小說集,還有幾個劇本,一冊《法國地理》和一部六卷本的《偉大的旅行家和偉大的旅行史》。主要作品還有《氣球上的五星期》《地心遊記》《神秘島》《黑印度群島》《漂逝的半島》《八十天環遊地球》等20多部長篇科幻歷險小說。   

    The representative is a trilogy: "Captain Grant"s sons", "twenty thousand miles on the bottom of the sea" and "the mysterious island". Verne has created a total of sixty-six novels and short stories, a few plays, a Book of French geography and a six volume book, great traveler and great travel history. The main works are "five weeks in the balloon", "the heart travels", "the mysterious island", "the black Indies" "the floating peninsula", "the Eighty Day Tour of the earth", and other more than 20 science fiction adventures.


    He is also a teacher of many inventors, and Verne writes the content of his scientific fantasy so detailed and accurate that many academic groups sometimes take weeks to calculate the numbers in his books. Moreover, Verne"s novels are full of science and many science fictions have become reality now.

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