  • 1 # MYDAY


    英式音標: ["θɜ:ti "sevn] 美式音標: ["θɜ:rti "sɛvən]


    thirty num.



    These men have been running the affairs of us plurals for thirty years. 這些人管理我們黑人的事務已經有30年了。Cook for a further thirty-five minutes until the filling has set. 再烹調35分鐘直到夾餡凝固。 The dismissal of thirty civil servants for dishonesty and misconduct. 30個公務員因不誠實和胡作非為而被解僱。 Thirty staff are facing the axe at the Royal Infirmary. 皇家醫院有30名員工面臨裁員。I"ve got a long way to go before I"m thirty. 我離30歲還早著呢。 They offered him an extra thirty-five cents an hour. 他們給他每小時另加了35美分。The car was blasted thirty feet into the sky. 汽車被衝到空中30英尺。Williams timed his pass perfectly from about thirty yards. 威廉姆斯在約30碼處的傳球時機把握得恰到好處。 The trees take at least thirty years to mature. 這些樹木至少要30年才能成材。 More than thirty human inhumations from various sites. 來自不同地點、超過30具的人類被埋屍體。




    複數: thirties


    A giant, over six feet seven with a reach of over 81 inches. 手的伸出距離為81英寸、身高6英尺7的巨人。We have not seen a bear yet after seven days of bushwhacking. 我們已經在叢林中走了七天卻連一隻熊都沒看見。 A plan to liquidate £1 billion worth of property over seven years. 七年內將價值10億英鎊的資產變現的計劃。 Just over the crest of a long seven per cent grade. 剛越過了一個長長的0.07度斜坡的山頂。 Registration is for seven years and may be renewed ad infinitum. 註冊有效期為七年,可以反覆註冊。 PDT) Pacific time during daylight saving, seven hours behind GMT. 太平洋夏時制標準時(夏時制期間的太平洋標準時,比格林尼治時遲七小時)。 The mare won the race last year by seven lengths. 去年那匹母馬以領先七個馬身的優勢贏得比賽。The temperature is seventy-seven, the humidity in the low thirties. 氣溫77度,溼度30度出頭。 If it takes me seven years, I shall do it. 即使花上7年時間,我也要做這件事。 It took seven days for the swelling to subside completely. 過了七天腫才完全消退。

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  • 請求:濟公說過的名言?