  • 1 # 大大r哥哥

    vt. 1. 把…固定,把…附(在…上)2. 認為有重要性(或意義、價值、分量等);重視3. (有時不受歡迎或未受邀請而)參加,和…在一起,纏著4. (使)與…有聯絡,與…有關連5. 結,採;貼;縛,拴,扎牢;裝;連線 (to)6. [attach oneself ] 依附;加入,參加(黨派、團體等),作…的成員,使成為一分子;使在一起(to)7. 使喜愛;使愛慕,使依戀8. 把…歸因於,把(過錯的責任等)歸於9. (正式)任命,委派,委任,指派;[常用被動語態]把(某人臨時或永久地)調至(to)vi. 1. 從屬,附屬;附著,附加,歸屬(to)2. 伴隨而來;聯在一起(to, upon)

  • 2 # pzyyo24296

    a is valueda is treasureda is attached great importancea is regarded as important這些說法都是可以的

  • 3 # 使用者8852944140293


    The importance of A was/were attached.

    The importance of A is/are to be attached.

    Great importance of A was /were being attached.

    Great importance of A is/are being attached.

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