  • 1 # hmhfh3078


  • 2 # 跳舞的山羊

    be ready to: vt. 隨時可(樂意,即將)例句與用法:

    1. The Chairman"s visiting the warehouse today, so keep on your toes and be ready to answer any questions. 董事長今天會來看看倉庫,你們要當心,要有準備,好回答他隨時提出的問題。

    2. For crying out loud! Aren"t you ever going to be ready to go out? 哎呀,我的天啊!難道你不準備出去了嗎?

    3. If you behave so foolishly, you must be ready to take the consequences. 如果你這樣愚昧下去,你必須準備自食其果。

    4. Conversely, intelligent beings which are just beginning to develop on remote worlds may be ready to pick up our signals in thousands of years. 反過來說,其他星球上的剛剛開始進化的智力生命,他們要過幾千年之後,也許才可能收到我們的訊號。 be ready for: 為...做好準備例句與用法: 1. These young plants will soon be ready for bedding in borders. 這些幼苗不久將栽到花壇中去。 2. The new motorway won"t be ready for donkey"s years. 要修好新高速公路, 那得等到猴年馬月了. 3. The store sold off its summer stock to be ready for the winter goods. 那家商店廉價出清夏秀存貨,準備進冬季貨物。

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