  • 1 # LWOSY

    1.You will fail unless you work hard.如果你不積極工作,就會失敗.

    2.Let"s have dinner out — unless you are too tired. 咱們出去吃飯吧——除非你太累了.

    3.Substances have no tendency to expand unless (they are) heated. 除非被加熱,否則物質沒有膨脹的趨勢

    4.I will be very angry unless you have already spoken to her.除非你已經對她說過了,否則我會很生氣.

    5.Don"t ask me to explain unless you really don"t understand. 不要叫我解釋,除非你真的不懂.

    6.Unless paying by credit card,please pay in cash.如果不用信用卡付賬,就請付現金.

    8.My baby sister never cries unless she is hungry. 我剛出生的妹妹除非餓了,她是從來不哭的.

    9.Avoid sports drinks unless you"re going for runs over 90 minutes.儘量別喝運動飲料除非你打算跑超過九十分鐘。

    10.Unless you"re wearing you brand new white nike airs.除非你正穿著你新買的白色耐克鞋。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 我家的狗狗叫了兩聲人家說把人家嚇壞了,我該負責嗎?